Call for Contributions to NIME2025: entangled NIME

Are there any guidelines for anonymizing papers? For example, I’d like to cite a previous project in my sources - should I submit a version of the paper with my name cut out of the citation, a blank citation, etc?

Dear @1oh,

Both the NIME2025/submission site and Section 7 in the paper templates detail anonymization guidelines for this year.

All submissions should follow one of the following formats:

  • All paper category submissions must be anonymized so that no description or information that can reveal the authors’ identities is included in the submission (e.g., detailed descriptions of locations, project names, linked websites, images with faces of authors). Citations to the authors’ previous work should preferably be cited in the third person to enable proper review (e.g., “As described in our previous work [4]” should be “As described by Martin et al. [4]).

  • If this is not possible, specific references may be anonymized like this:

    [1] Anonymized Author A and Anonymised Author B. YYYY. ANONYMISED: a Software Package for Technical Computations, version N. Retrieved Month DD, YYYY from \url{[Your URL here]}

Great, thank you for this information about the music submissions. Is there a list of venues for performances? I can’t seem to find it in the call for music. Thanks

I am wiritng a paper that discusses the development of an interactive work. The work is currentty complete, but will not be presented until March. As the submission deadline is before the work will be presented, do I need to reframe the paper as a reflection on the development of the work? Or do you have some specific advice about dealing with this situation?

Hi @phantomchips,

We will program accepted music submissions and accomodate authors’s needs following the acceptation decisions.

If you have any concerns about technical or physical requirements for your performance submission or have specific setup needs, could you please provide detailed information in the Technical notes section of your music submission?

The venues provided for live performance at the conference will be standard music venues, with a full audio and lighting production capability, accommodating ~200 seats.

Hope this information helps!

Hi @yichenwang, I was just wondering how strict the 2-6 page limit is for the Music - Installation track? Is this including references? I have labelled diagrams I’d like to include but they’re taking up quite a lot of space.

@fred-dev A more process-oriented focus on the development of the work would be valuable. However, both reviewers and NIME researchers would benefit from reading about the artifact. The best way to frame the paper is mostly up to you.

I believe if you could communicate your concerns in the submission, we can pass your note to the reviewers and meta-reviewers to ensure the confidentiality of your work.

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Hi. I’m a bit confused by the two stage submission process. 29th Jan asks for titles, abstracts and author list. 5th Feb asks for final submissions. I presently have CMT open for ‘Create New Submission’ but it appears to be for the 5th Feb final submission. Can you please let me know where to access the link for the initial titles, abstracts and author list submission (due 29th Jan). Thanks, Jordan.

Hi @Jordan, same link, these are not separate submissions.

At present you can submit your title, abstract, author list and final submission documents.

After Jan 29 23:59 AoE you will not be able to create new submissions but you will be able to edit existing ones to update the final submission document.

After Feb 5 23:59 AoE you will not be able to edit existing submissions and all submissions will be considered final.

Another way to put this is that Jan 29 is a deadline to “create submissions”, and Feb 5 is a deadline to “upload documents”.

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Thanks @charlesmartin - submission done - for the Feb 5th submission, should the template be dropped into the CMT upload area? And, we have two video submissions. Would it be best to add these as vimeo links to the text to be included in the template? Thanks


yep your actual PDF submission goes in the area called “FILES”.

Re videos, the easiest approach is to upload files into CMT. For Paper track submissions you can upload up to 3 files, for Music track you can only upload 1 file.

In general I suggest having the minimum number of files and uploading into CMT as this will make it easier for reviewers and the committee to manage your submission. (always good to make life easy for reviewers…)

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Hello @mel.huang,

For music and installation, we don’t have a strict requirement for submission length, compared to the paper category. However, I would strongly recommend keeping the submission to no more than 6 pages, including references. If your diagrams are taking up considerable space, I’d suggest prioritising the most essential ones and ensuring they contribute directly to the clarity of your submission.

Since music and installation submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed, maintaining a concise yet informative submission will help reviewers assess your work effectively and fairly.

If you do encounter any difficulties in fitting your submission within the 6-page limit, please feel free to reach out to the music chairs so that they are aware of your situation.

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Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask.

For the NIME 2025 template it seems that longer urls format a little strangely, particularly in a list environment. As an example, would it be best to format this list

  \emph{Repository 1}:\url{https://www.github/com/organisation/slightly-too-long-repository-name-1}
  \emph{Repository 2}:\url{https://www.github/com/organisation/slightly-too-long-repository-name-2}
  \emph{Repository 3}:\url{https://www.github/com/organisation/slightly-too-long-repository-name-3}

and instead put the urls as footnotes?

  \emph{Repository 1}\footnote{\url{https://www.github/com/organisation/slightly-too-long-repository-name-1}}
  \emph{Repository 2}\footnote{\url{https://www.github/com/organisation/slightly-too-long-repository-name-2}}
  \emph{Repository 3}\footnote{\url{https://www.github/com/organisation/slightly-too-long-repository-name-3}}

or am I overthinking this?

Hello @m_h,

What specific issues did you encounter when putting the longer url in the submission?

The first example looks and works fine in my document, excepts the link could be cutoff into a new line - but it doesn’t seem to affect the hyperlink.

@yichenwang forgot to check if the example worked

This shows it a little better

  \emph{Repository one}:\url{https://www.github/com/organisation/everslightly-too-long-repository-name-1}
  \emph{Repository two}:\url{https://www.github/com/organisation/everslightly-too-long-repository-name-2}
  \emph{Repository three}:\url{https://www.github/com/organisation/everslightly-too-long-repository-name-3}

For me it is creeping into the margins, but sadly I can’t upload an example image

Now I see the issue - thanks for bring it up! I think it comes from the double-column nimeart configuration.

It’s a good point: I suppose for the submission, whichever options that could provide clear information during the review process would be sufficient.

We will have a double-check for an optimal solution for the camera-ready version close to the publishing period.

Hope this helps!

Hi everyone,

I would like to submit a live performance, which uses a part of technology developed in another project that I will be expanding on in the performance I am proposing. In other words, I do not have a video of the work itself (as it does not exist yet), but could provide video excerpts of previous works that are closely related to it. Would that be in order? How to clarify that this is a novel work/performance?

Thank you for your kind reply,

@davorius That’s a reasonable approach given the situation but you would need to clarify in the submission what the video documentation is and how it relates to your proposed performance. It would be up to reviewers to assess your work from the materials you submit.

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Thank you so much @charlesmartin

Hi! I am considering submitting an art installation to NIME. But we might also submit the same installation to other academic conferences or exhibitions in the future. I understand that it is unethical for papers cannot be submitted to multiple venues simultaneously, but I was wondering if the same rule applies to art installations. Could you kindly let me know if NIME accepts submissions of installations that might also be exhibited elsewhere? Thanks, Annie