Call for Contributions to NIME2025: entangled NIME

Hi @yichenwang,

Do we have to fill out ‘Domain Conflicts’ and ‘Conflicts of Interest’, in Edit Submission and Edit Conflicts?

If so, what is First Name/Last Name/Organization/Selected Conflicts(Y/N) referring to? Sorry if this is a silly question :see_no_evil: - it’s my first go at this.

Hi @mel.huang,

No worries!

Just want to double check that if you encountered these issues in music submission category on CMT?

If so:

  • For “domain conflicts” in edit submission, please fill in domains that you have conflicts with, following the instruction.

  • For “Edit Conflicts of Interest”, please feel free to ignore if it shows a blank page with only form header (first name, last name, etc).

I’m having trouble understanding the standards for figures as given in the example paper document.

  1. The example figure has no reference in the text - are we permitted to label figures so that we can do this?
  2. I don’t believe the provided example uses the ``\verb|figure|‘’ environment - is it reasonable to copy, paste, and refill the information in the example document? The same standards are given in overleaf’s “template for acmart using biblatex and biblatex-software”.
    Apologies for all the questions - I don’t mean to spam the thread, only hoping not to make obvious mistakes.

Just adding to this as I have the same question and did not see a response. I was of the understanding that word count limits generally do not include references but in a different submission to another conference, I was informed they counted toward their page limit (or at least that was one reviewer’s opinion). Would love clarification on this for NIME.

My paper is about a system that can be used to, among other things, generate pieces of music - it is not a musical submission. To attach this piece of music anonymously, I’ve been considering creating a new gmail acount / google drive and linking it in the paper - would it be better to attach the piece of music as a supplementary file? If so, how should this be addressed in the anonymized version of the paper?

Ok trying to manage a few questions:

  1. @1oh an example figure looks like this:
  \caption{A Bela board in action at a workshop (2017).}
  \Description{Somebody manipulating sensors on a Bela board.}

and yes you can use labels. The template guide is a mildly altered version of the acmart.cls documentation, apologies that it does not use labels but it’s very typical to use them.

  1. @1oh ```\verb|figure|‘’` in the template is used to change the font of the word “figure” to when compiling the template document. Just use the normal figure environment. :slight_smile:

  2. @waldtiere - word limit are exclusive of references. I’ve updated this in the call:

  3. @1oh much better to use supplementary file as it’s easier to keep track during review (e.g., google drive links expire). In the submission you can refer to this as “the supplementary media file”.

Happy to answer any questions, keep 'em coming!

Should we anonymize 1. sources of funding in the ethical concerns section, 2. names of projects that served as precursors to the works desribed in the paper, 3. names of universities? Are there standards for any of these groups?


I have a quick question about the submission.

When submitting the final paper, should I use the same submission page created when I submitted the abstract and simply attach the PDF? Or do I need to fill in the form again with the abstract, title, and other details before attaching the PDF for this submission?

Thanks for your response!

Yes exactly, I have submitted a music response. I will ignore the “Edit Conflicts of Interest” as it’s a blank page. Thanks! :pray:

Greetings. Quick question about anonymized submissions. What if we inadvertendly forgot to take out an author reference in the abstract? The actual citation is not included, just the author name and year as “(Author, XXXX)”.
Thank you.

If you know that information in your submission doesn’t meet the standard of anonymisation that you agreed to in the submission form then please use CMT to contact the chairs explaining the situation and providing your paper ID number (from the author Author Console click the Help Center menu the select Contact Chairs).

If the chairs determine that a change is explainable by mistake or misunderstanding and can be adjusted easily to be anonymous they will do so. This will not include uploading further edited PDF files supplied by authors.


Im very new to this! Ive been looking at the website and can’t see anywhere that allows me to register to simply attend the conference as observer. I understand I am too late to submit anything but I just want to go to as much as possible.


Hello there,

No worries - any participation in NIME is more than welcome!

We haven’t put up the conference registration information yet - please stay tuned for updates!

Thank you very much for your interest :slight_smile:

Dear organizers,
I have a few questions regarding the review process.
One of the questions for reviewers is: “10. Does the paper’s contribution equivalent compared to the paper length.”
Can this be interpreted as “Is the paper’s contribution commensurate to the paper length?”?

Regarding the different paper classes (long, medium, short), in the call for papers it is stated that reviewers would receive guidelines on how to review them. I haven’t been able to find explicit references in the github page.
Could the organizers provide more guidance?
Thank you for your help.

Best regards,


Q1: yes that means “Is the paper’s contribution commensurate to the paper length?”

Q2: good point, we’ve clarified the expectations for each type: