NIME 2023 Latex template - some issues

I’m checking the template available at the NIME 2023 website and found some issues. I’m posting here in an attempt to help others planning to use the LaTeX template:

  1. Both my laptop and Overleaf seem to generate the PDF with no space between sections and paragraphs. A quick fix could be modifying the class, and replacing it with more sensitive values to the spacing parameter.

    • On nime-alternate.cls, lines 1038 and 1042, I replaced -10 and -4 with 10 and 4. E.g.: \@startsection{part}{9}{\z@}{10\p@ \@plus 4\p@ \@minus -2\p@}
    • On the same file, lines 1047 and 1051, I replaced -8 and -2 with 8 and 2. E.g.: \@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{8\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus -\p@}
  2. It looks like the \conferenceinfo metadata command isn’t updated. Following the commented lines, I assume the information on line 35 should be replaced by: \conferenceinfo{NIME'23,}{May 31 - June 2, 2023, UNAM / Tecnológico de Monterrey / UAM-Lerma, Mexico City, Mexico.}. Can the organizers please confirm if the information is accurate?

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Hi Eduardo, thanks for bringing this to our attention.
We have now updated the templates.
If you spot anything else please let me know.

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would it be a good idea to store the template under version control, e.g., at

I took the first step of creating the repo, but got a bit discouraged seeing that there’s in fact two latex templates (papers and music) and that these use different styles… is the music one in use this year @juan_pablo ?

Yes, the style for music proceedings is different. Please see: Music Proceedings | NIME
And of course it will be in use this year: NIME 2023 - Call for Music (we wouldn’t include it in the templates if that weren’t the case)

Hi Juan. Just to let you know, the template I downloaded in late January still had the layout problem described above, and I had to implement Eduardo’s fix. Which thankfully worked really well.

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Hi, I noticed something, posting here in case anyone needs this.

Any non-English character in an \anonymize field breaks the compilation completely and, in Overleaf at least, there’s no real errors that indicate the problem. For example, this kills it:

\anonymize{Fîrstnäme Lästnåmé}\\

To fix it you have to escape each character:

\anonymize{F\îrstn\äme L\ästn\åm\é}\\

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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