Paid Opportunity - Tölvera, Google Summer of Code 2025 (deadline April 8)

Do you know any students who would be interested in being paid to work on open source ALife software for creative practices this summer? If so, I would be grateful if you could please share this opportunity with them! The application deadline is April 8th.

Tölvera has been accepted to Google Summer of Code 2025, as a sub-organisation under the Python Software Foundation.

Tölvera is a Python library for composing together and interacting with self-organising systems and artificial life. It provides creative coding-style APIs that allow users to combine and compose various built-in behaviours, such as flocking, slime mold growth, and swarming, and also author their own. With built-in support for Open Sound Control (OSC) and interactive machine learning (IML), Tölvera interfaces with and rapidly maps onto existing music software and hardware, striving to be both an accessible and powerful tool for exploring diverse intelligence in artistic contexts.

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program that offers new contributors over 18 an opportunity to be paid for contributing to an open source project over a three month period.

To find out more and learn how to apply, visit and navigate to the GSOC 2025 page (this forum won’t let me post links…).

Discussion will take place on our ⁠#gsoc Discord channel.