Survey and workshop on NIME archiving

We are following up on some of the discussions in this ecosystem thread in the upcoming Workshop on NIME archiving to be held on 28 June. This workshop will continue discussions in the community about how to best preserve information from the NIME conferences, the NIME community, and the computer music community at large. The workshop will follow up on threads from the NIME publication ecosystem workshop (NIME 2020, Birmingham) and the NIMEhub workshop (NIME 2016, Brisbane).

The main task is to find a solution for an open, future-oriented, and institutionally recognized archiving solution for the activities of the community. Currently, only NIME publications are archived according to the FAIR principles. No solutions exist for archiving information about instruments/interfaces and other hardware/software-based artifacts produced in the community. Neither do we have a system for describing and preserving compositions/pieces, installations, performances, and workshops.

Want to help out? Please go to this survey and fill out one or more records. The idea is to check whether categories developed for the COMPEL archive make sense from the community’s perspective. For example, does it make sense to have three top-level categories: person, artifact, and event. What do you need for archiving information about your own activities? What would be necessary to think about from institutional perspectives? Please share your thoughts below!

We are very much looking forward to this workshop next week. The aim is to get concrete feedback on, among others, a taxonomy that can be used to archive information about NIMEs, their construction, performance, etc. To help out, it would be great if you could try to fill out this survey one of the coming days. Thanks for helping!